Sugar painting│糖畫
- 作者:王旗 緹婭娜
- 來源:當代先鋒網
- 發布時間:2024-10-18 14:37:38
In Zunyi, Guizhou, a Chinese intangible cultural heritage sugar painting artist wowed the crowd by crafting an intricate sugar loong to celebrate 2024, the Year of the Loong! With skillful hands and molten sugar, he brought this traditional art to life, blending sweet craftsmanship with ancient folklore. Would you try a taste of this masterpiece?
在貴州遵義,一位中國非物質文化遺產糖畫藝術家為慶祝 2024 年 “壬辰年”,精心制作了一條糖 “龍”,令現場觀眾嘆為觀止!他用巧手和融化的糖將這一傳統藝術變為現實,將甜蜜的手工藝與古老的民俗風情融為一體。你想嘗嘗這個杰作嗎?
貴州日報天眼新聞記者 王旗 緹婭娜
編輯 高鑫
二審 閔捷
三審 龐博