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    The dusk settles over Guiyang’s "White House"│貴陽 “白宮 ”暮色降臨

    As dusk settles over Guiyang’s 'White House,' the city breathes in the golden light of twilight. Shadows stretch across the streets, and the skyline glows softly in the fading warmth. It’s a moment where the pulse of the city slows, wrapped in the poetry of the approaching night. 

    黃昏籠罩著貴陽的 “白宮”,整個城市沐浴在暮色的金光之中。陰影在街道上延伸,天際線在逐漸消散的溫暖中閃爍著柔和的光芒。這一刻,城市的脈搏在即將到來的夜晚的詩意中放緩。

    貴州日報天眼新聞記者  李鈺

    編輯 高鑫

    二審 閔捷

    三審 龐博

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